WTF Woodworking Rachel Blank

Hey there, I’m Rachel. I like woodworking, and I make a lot of mistakes on my projects.

As of December 2020 I had never used a saw, built anything out of wood or applied a finish. Somehow I ended up down the rabit hole of Woodworking YouTube videos and Instagram Profiles. After 100s of hours of tutorials later, I decided to buy a circular saw.

Lets just say…watching professionals and doing it yourself are a WHOLE different thing. I had no one to ask the SIMPLEST of questions to. I thought I knew what I was doing, I didn’t I still feel like I don’t.

That’s why I started documenting my projects and ALL of my F-ups. Mistakes are how we learn and lets just say…I make them on every step of every project.

Hopefully this site can grow to include more woodworkers and we can continue too help each other, learn from the mistakes of others and make beautiful projects.

Join Me! Share Your F-ups 😂

11 + 6 =