Reusable Epoxy Molds

by | Feb 7, 2022 | Epoxy

HDPE and thick silicone reusable molds are the way to go for repeating sizes

Making multiple river tables, charcuterie boards, etc of the same size? Invest in high quality reusable silicone or HDPE molds!

I’ll admit I’m no expert in all of the brands available or which one will be best for your needs. But in general, seamless thick silicone or HDPE molds are going to be a LIFESAVER. They save time, mess, and over time even money if you are making a high volume of the same size pieces.

PRO TIP: Buy mold release spray. Some of the HDPE molds are incredibly thick and have little flex. You’ll find yourself frustrated trying to get your cured piece out.

The Stoners release sprays are highly recommended by woodworkers. 

Shapes, Sizes, Oh My!

epoxy mold shapes

The most common molds you’ll probably want to look into are 16″ x 24″ x 3″, 16″ x 20″ x 3″ rectanlges, 12″ circles, 18″ circles, and 6″ x 16″ rectangles for coasters.

I personally have a 16″ x 20″ x 3″ mold from Crafted Elements that I love.

Recently I discovered that a lot of the companies selling these molds for $150+ are actually getting them from wholesalers!

I tried to do the same and ordered some directly from a factory in China. I have not tried the molds out yet but got them for a fraction of the price. Shipping costs were very high, though, so. I made an order with some friends from a makerspace.

While I got a LOT more for my money, and the thicker HDPE they use doesn’t require sealing with silicone, it’s clear that they are not made from one piece of material and the edges are not nearly as smooth as the Crafted Elements molds.


What Brands Should I buy?

If I were looking for a cost effective option, I’d probably stick with some of the more generic brands online or work with factories from China.

However, the sleekness and overall quality of the molds from brands like Crafted Elements and Black Forest Wood Company are unmatched.

Now, I’ve been curious about the reusable molds that do come apart, though that leaves the risk of leaking, just like with any mold you would make with tuck tape.

Makers Mold has an awesome mold with a single clear side to measure thickness of the epoxy pours!


*Flub up:  The first time I used my mold I did not account for the slight curve in the mold. Additionally I did NOT use release spray and struggled to get the piece out. Mind you, this is with the THINNER HDPE which does have a little more flexibility to it.